Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Behold, I Do a New Thing

It's time to take inventory. Examine the songs and choreography in your repertoire and seek the Lord. Are all of the songs that you currently dance to a "word in season?" Do you find yourself doing the same movements for "love," "Jesus," and "rejoice?" If so, it's time to do a new thing.

When I first started praise dancing, many of our songs and movements were about battles. A praise dance classic is "The Battle is the Lord's" by Yolanda Adams. I have seen that song SO many times over the past ten years. The Lord then transitioned us from being "praise dancers" to "worship dancers." Many of our songs in that season were slow, very personal, and emotional.

The Lord has made another transition with me as I began to embrace dance as a bonafide ministry. I seek Him as to what He would have me minister to a particular group of people. I no longer do the same songs for every occasion. I am often told after I minister in dance that the song that I select matched the theme of a gathering, even when I was not aware of the theme beforehand.

As dancers, we too must deliver a word in season. Your favorite song may not be what the Lord wants to say to His people. Pray and ask the Lord to show you what pieces to keep, and what dances need to be retired for your ministry this season.

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